Valentine's Day is One Week Away!

Valentine’s Day. Ugh. I’ve expressed my disappointment of the holiday. Like, seriously? One day to express our love? If I grew up in a family that wasn’t insanely expressive of our love, I’d probably have a different take… But I didn’t. I had the absolute privilege of hearing, “I love you”, everyday of my life. I mean, not everyday, but dang close. I require it. I give love, and if it’s not reciprocated… Ya know.

The best part of expressing love is that anyone can do it. You don’t have to have a penny to your name. Most people’s love language is through spending time with them. For Valentine’s Day, consider taking your Love on a scenic walk. Or how about couple’s yoga? A pedicure together, cooking together, even just leaving them a love note. Giving your time and being thoughtful will go way further than a dozen roses that die in a few days or chocolate that goes straight to their hips.

This year, I was smart and got an outfit that’s warm and pretty. Would you believe me if I told you I spent under $30 on the sweater, skirt and purse? How about if I told you it was all from Burlington (except the boots are old and from Target)? Don’t waste your money on things that will be gone in a few days. Give the gift of your time and use the rest to buy yourself a cute fit.

Chelsea K. RayComment