You may be thinking, “Chelsea. Swimwear? It’s snowing outside”. Yea, exactly why we’re talking swimwear. Let’s get the heck out of here! And yes, you’ll need a new bathing suit. I’m headed to Aruba in February. Never been, but I can’t tell you how many times it’s been recommended. Post holidays, I’m feeling a little soft and a lot pale. So I need a bathing suit that isn’t going to dig, pinch or ride up. Like this gorgeous black one piece from BERLOOK.

“Designing swimwear for everyone so that women can see themselves as we do, totally unique, strong feminine and beautiful.” -BERLOOK

When shopping for swimwear, the most important thing to consider is body type. An ill-fitting bathing suit will make your already almost naked body , in public, make you feel insecure. There is no perfect equation to what suit will look best on you, but there is one piece of advice that is essential… TRY IT ON. If you’re shopping in-store, grab 3-5 different styles of swimwear and try them on. I’m sorry the lighting sucks. Find a style you like and if you’re considering a different size? Try it on. I tend to size up in swimwear, to avoid any pinching.

If you have the luxury of shopping online and returning, order a few. I’m really excited about the swimwear selection from BERLOOK. They use sustainable materials, have a focus on a comfortable fit and have timeless and versatile styles. Like the green linen set above. Wear it as a cover-up or dress it up with a bralette, heels and a clutch.

BERLOOK doesn’t just have swimwear. They have a full line of tops, bottoms, outter wear and active wear. I’m totally crushing on these gray trousers. With a button closure and a luxurious fabric, they are perfectly on trend for 2024.

Aruba is going to be amazing. I hope to share my trip on my blog in February. If it’s snowing outside right now, book a trip. You deserve it. And be sure you splurge on a new bathing suit from BERLOOK.

Chelsea K. RayComment